Guardiano del Faro

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Guardiano del Faro Salina Il nome prende spunto dalla posizione del vigneto in cui le uve, nerello mascalese 100%, sono coltivate in una piccola e selezionata particella, la 523, che si affaccia sul promontorio di capofaro con il suo antico faro.L’anno di affinamento in legno ingentilisce la spiccata acidità e tannicità, conferendogli rotondità, pienezza ed…

Malvasia delle Lipari DOC Naturale Nurah

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Naturale Nurah Malvasia dell Lipari DOC Obtained from Malvasia and Corinto Nero grapes, grown in the age-old tradition of the Aeolian Islands, it has a warm velvety taste, slight hints of tannin, excellent and balanced structure. With golden yellow colour, it has hints of ripe apricot and honey, with an aftertaste of eucalyptus. Sweet, but elegant and smooth, it goes well with mature…

Malvasia delle Lipari DOC Passito Najm

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Passito Najm Malvasia dell Lipari DOC Obtained from Malvasia and Corinto Nero grapes, grown in the age-old tradition of the aeolian islands, it has a warm velvety taste, slight hints of tannin, excellent and balanced structure with a goldenamber colour, there are hints of fresh fruit: apricot, fig, almond, ranging to honey, followed by floral sensations of jasmine. It goes well with desserts…

Salina Rosato IGP

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Salina Rosato IGP Salina From Corinto Nero and Nerello Mascalese grapes, this wine presents all the typical features of the volcanic soil.It’s charaterized by a distinctive mineral taste and freshness. Floral bouquet with scents of wild rose and typical hints of Mediterranean broom, enhance also citrus notes of pink grapfruit. To be served with fish…

Secca del Capo IGP

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Secca del Capo IGP Salina Obtained from pure Malvasia grapes, grown in Capo Faro and Porri, where the temperature ranges and the minerals in the volcanic soil enrich the organoleptic profile of the grapes. It is a mediterranean white, with complex aromatic intensity softness and the right acidity, with hints of exotic fruit prickly pears, citrus fruits and rosemary. It goes well with…

Salina Bianco IGP

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Salina Bianco IGP Salina Obtained from Inzolia and Catarratto grapes, it fully encapsulates the area thanks to the characteristics brought by the volcanic soils, rich in magnesium and potassium, the lack of water and the intense sunshine. It is a white wine of great distinction, with strong hints of ripe fruit and exotic fruits. The wine has the typical sensations of the mediterranean scrub.…